Jem Stephens

brass I'd think they where made out of Osmium or Nibbler poop

But… I would so totally buy a Raptor Sasquach.

I remember when I was a kid and after I'd get sent to bed, I could always hear my Mom playing my electric football in her room. She must've scored a lot too, always screaming about the Lord and such. She never seemed to want to play me when I was awake though. Weird.

Looks like a knock off Mustang (Vapid Dominator) from GTA that came to life. Styling is a 67 Mustang fastback with different bumpers and lights, Terrible and at 250k is laughable.

It looks like somebody tried restoring a crash Mustang using whatever parts they had lying around... somewhere in the Ukraine. Thanks, but no thanks.

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(Last one I promise).

Intro of Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds, executes a family in one of the most cold ways I've ever seen.

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I am Locutus - of Borg. Resistance - is futile. Your life, as it has been - is over. From this time forward, you will service - us.

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Thulsa Doom lops off lil Conan's mom's head with the sword her husband made.

This was a pretty auspicious introduction.

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"Next time - if someone asks if you're a god, SAY YES!"


Gizmo!! Look at him with is wittle bow and arrow. Aw. It was cute when he made one, but it got me suspended in the 5th grade. Go figure.

Unless you are a Klingon.

Are you high? DOCTOR WHO HAS NEVER BEEN MORE POPULAR ON A WORLDWIDE LEVEL, and that's why Matt is the most successful Doctor ever. Seriously, does anyone who works for this website, have an opinion that cannot be found inside the ass of a coal miner miles below the earth's surface? It sure doesn't seem that way.

God knows how you think they 'blew' the 50th anniversary year, Rob. What more could be done to celebrate The Doctor than a cracking special that somehow managed to not self-combust living up to the immense hype surrounding it (and broke a world record in the process, natch), a bafta-worthy drama about the shows

Bah! You meatbags keep trying to front but, face it, it's physiologically impossible for greasy porkpies like you to look half as sexy as me:

Just don't land on grid 9.