Jem Stephens
Now playing

That's kinda what Polyphony Digital (the makers of Gran Turismo) did with Vettel and RedBull in creating the X1, even if it was only a video game concept.

Then you need to disown your sons!

Weird - I just had an image of C3PO saying that in George Takei's voice, and now I want all the movies redubbed with that audio!

Technically they're all females.


Nope, best town in Texas is New Braunfels.

As an F1 fan and a fan of Austin (from upstate NY though), your circuit has been arsing up a lot of stuff with that whole thing.

Come on up here, brother!

"bike lanes should be created and public transportation improved. That would dramatically reduce the amount of vehicles that are used daily."

[SPOILER kind of BUT NOT REALLY I DON´T KNOW ANYMORE?!?!?!] that guy was having so much fun running after the pigeons!!! "How to Train Your Unnamed Jotunheim Beast"

only one cutscene (may) have any bearing on future films, the other one just give a happy ending to humans and predators alike...

Wow, ironic. I was just playing Rock Band 3 a little while ago.

Did anybody else buy American Pie, the final piece of Rock Band DLC?

Activision happened :(

I still play Rock Band 3 with friends to this day and a couple of hours ago, I just turned it on to rock out to some Bon Jovi. I bought all of them the first day it came out and I also decided to import all the songs for Rock Band 3 I have atleast close to 300 DLC's and it has actually encouraged my friends and I to

I won't ever forget Rock Band. When it started dying out I brought it to school and we jammed out every week (multiple days), full band. I had over 500 songs though so there was no short supply of choices. Now that I've graduated, I have given it to my 14 year old cousin and we had so much fun at the last family

Looks legit.

I lived in Fairbank Alaska for about 5 years and it always mystified me as to how those little bush planes managed to take off with such a huge load of balls on them.

No. Nope. Nyet. Nein. Nuh uh. Non. Khong. Ne. Nao. Nullus.

The fuzzy dice were a nice touch.