Sharaz Jek

Good lord, Carnegie Mellon isn’t easy to get in if you’re a state resident with lots of arts extracurriculars and a great GPA. Or it wasn’t forty years ago. And expensive. 

That’s in your “nuanced” , i.e pro Israel bias of an opinion. The actual fact and reality is, like IceHippo you can not provide a single shred of hard evidence of a single mainstream progressive organization anywhere that supports and backs Hamas. The DSA, Bernie, The Squad and everyone in between have condemned the

Either everyone “needs” a nation where they control their own destiny, or no one does. If Zionists need one, then Palestinians need one as well. If no one needs a nation, then Zionists don’t have any special claim to any land, let alone Palestinian land.

Dear Julianna Margulies, we’re going with the reactionary “radical pinko Marxist professors are brainwashing our children!” argument, then.

“The eradication of Israel” could also mean the creation of a secular democracy that serves the interests of all citizens within it, rather than an apartheid ethnostate as Israel currently exists. Nobody would have to die. Nobody would have to leave.

I’m sorry, but it isn’t “obvious” to me why there should be an ethnostate, and if it seems so to you, you probably don’t understand the implications of what you’re saying.

He wasn’t offered a state, and he didn’t launch a war. He was offered PLA governance (under Israel’s suzerainty) in a geographically discontinuous area that could never have, even in the future, become a functioning state. Statehood was not on the table. Hamas then launched their attacks.

It’s pure whataboutism - a tactic employed by 20th century Soviets and 21st century MAGA chuds alike. Such good company 

Older white liberals! As an older brown Liberal, I’ve very proud of the young people on the left! :)

C’mon, we all remember when H. Jon Benjamin bravely stood up against anti-can of vegetables hate.

The USA is a failed state and capitalism is a universally failed system.

If you’re gonna go with that argument, kids, then get the fuck out of America.

And so it was sort of like my daughter’s future, which meant I had to break the law.”

Netanyahu, his cronies ruling Israel, and their allies across the world are the main ones who aren’t including Palestinians. Jews in general and even regular Israelis largely are.

People are by and large supporting Palestinian civilians, who make up the overwhelming majority of the 15,000 casualties born out of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign — that’s not counting atrocities that have been committed in the West Bank, or those committed before October 7. 2023 was the deadliest year

A LOT of Israelis are pro-peace and pro the creation of a Palestinian state. They’re just not the ones currently in power. The government is made up of a coalition of extremist groups.

It’s those kids who are spewing this antisemitic hate, that have no idea if they stepped foot in an Islamic country—these people who want us to call them they/them, or whatever they want us to call them, which I have respectfully made a point of doing—it’s those people that will be the first people beheaded and their

Because Jews, they rally around everybody.”

This whole pushback that American liberals/leftists cannot criticize Israel because of the original sins of colonialism and slavery is so confounding. Like, yeah, lots of us on the left want our nation to systematically recon with those twin atrocities. And we want Israel and Hamas to stop killing civilians. No