Sharaz Jek

Ah, Mel Brooks.  Nobody like him.

I won’t delve deeper into the Silurian hypothesis because not even their authors think much of it.

As dumb as studio execs are, I’d like to think Warner learned from their last experience giving this nitwit more money to remake a movie. According to AT&T’s CEO at the time, the Snyder Cut cost 9 figures.

I adore the adaptive cruise on my Lexus, and I shan’t give it up.

Did the Texas Chamber of Commerce write this?

Can confirm.  Used to spend August in Tampa visiting my grandparents.  It’s utter hell.

Tesla (TSLA.O), opens new tab investor KLP

Are there people out there really waiting for this movie?

WTF shitty phone have you been using that an update makes your MP3s stop working?

Lexus is your brand then. When I got mine, I almost guffawed at the CD player, but they know their target demo very well.

That has literally never been an issue for me.

THANK YOU.  The weird fetish for minivans around here baffles me sometimes.  If I want a crossover instead of a minivan, I’ll get one, and you crossover haters can fuck right off.

Vladimir?  Is that you?

People to suddenly stop being idiots.

*Also Googles unfamiliar character*

I want to believe, but...

The enshittification of Spanfeller’s former GMG sites continues. I literally just saw an “article” (I used the term advisedly) about how to turn off an iPad.

Yeah, the constant shitting on Toyota for their focus on HEV/PHEVs instead of a fleet of EVs baffles me.  DISCLAIMER: I own a Lexus HEV.

I’m not taking a shot, here. I’m just saying that I have never felt more disconnected from Batman in my life. This, to me, is unrecognizable.

As a physician, I had to constantly learn about new advances or else be very bad at my job and a danger to the people I took care of.