Sharaz Jek

As someone who used to unlock his car with a coat hangar, I’m with you on this.  There’s a reason people used to have slim jims.

Which was the style at the time.

“multi-camera”? must be some in-the-loop patois that foolish old clueless gits are blissfully unaware of. Or, hey, maybe it refers to the legalistic Latin, and ‘camera’ just refers to “room” (rather than just being two or more cell-phones on a tripod). There will be multiple rooms available, like there was Jerry

It’s easy to get annoyed at something when you invent what it is out of thin air.

I thought I read, though, that the all-in-ones take a LOT longer to dry a load of laundry (avg. ~4 hours).

What a fucking moron.

As someone who grew up when music was still found on AM...this exactly.  You can hear it every time you drive under power lines.

I can assure you that I did not typo a 5 instead of a 3 in an update script that ended up taking down about 1/3 of a certain fast food chain’s European restaurants (or at least, digital payments) some years back.

Agreed, but humans will fanboi the dumbest shit.

Oh my god you should have all the stars.

It’s amazing how many design cues come from a roll of toilet paper.

Long as Jean Grey isn’t wearing something the color of Thousand Island dressing, I’m good.

You mean ten seasons?

Nobody cares.

They are also, as I understand it, lofty, and they grab up all the light.

Only if you want reduced fuel economy, increased wind noise and lower top speed.

Are you saying my Camry SE doesn’t need a wing????????

This is the difference between a large and small sample size. And for what it’s worth, I know VW owners who have sworn never to get another. My son had an Atlas Cross Sport and it was a nightmare of flaky electrics.

This right here. I wanted to like them, but mehhhhh.

TIL there was an actual Emu War.