
I have used Apple Pay at Champ Sports in Colorado. Worked great.

Broncos Fan,

I misread the t-shirt at first. I thought it said I Can't Pass.

So is this the new US Ryder Cup Captain. Only way to intimidate the Europeans.

This kid needs to be sent to a re-education farm where they grow Candy Corn. Albert you have to stop your Candy Corn Jihad. Candy Corn is one of the four basic food groups, Just Ask Elf.

Tiger Baiting. This is brilliant on the Nuggets part. Piss off Le Bron and have him put on a show. Kyrie Irving better give him the ball or he'll get his head ripped off. This should be fun.

It is possible that Goodell is telling the truth and it is a matter of miscommunication. Ray Rice dragged her out of the elevator so he knew something happened inside. But when Ray Rice told Goodell that he hit his fiancee, the word "hit" did not register with him. Think of 9/11 terrorist attacks, could you conceive