Jeff Bercovici

Interesting that you bring up the catcalling video. My response to it, as a straight white dude, was, "Wow, women have to deal with a lot more street harassment then I knew about." I thought it was pretty powerful. But then, like six hours after it came out, we weren't talking about street harassment anymore but about

That's great. I have nothing against him or how he made his money. I wish there were more people moving up the economic ladder, as he has done, but instead there are fewer than there were in the past. The fact that there are still some who succeed in doing it shouldn't be used to shut down the conversation about

How about "I'm all for enjoying what you've earned, but beyond a certain point displays of conspicuous consumption are just garish reminders of the way the rollback of progressive taxation leads to an ever greater concentration of wealth in the hands of the few, who then use their vast economic resources to tilt the

Hold up. I just finished "Guards! Guards!" and I think you're misremembering Carrot's sword. It was the phony king's sword that was too perfect. Carrot's sword is described this way: "The blade was dull and short, and notched like a saw. It was well-made, and there might have been an inscription on it once, but it had

What great news for pilots. They don't have to worry about getting shot down by a missile anymore! Now as long as no one develops some kind of new weapon that's not a missile but is capable of destroying large airborne objects with great precision, they'll be safe forever!

As an MLS fan, I don't go to games because I think the soccer is the same quality as that played in the EPL. I go because it's a lot easier to get to Red Bull Arena than to White Hart Lane. And if the product on the field is subpar compared with European or South American leagues, the fan experience is outrageously