
Its better looking than the Model 3 which is hideous from the front end and looks like the other Teslas from the rear.

Define road trip. You can get pretty far in two to three hours, depending on traffic and road conditions. Also, let’s not kid ourselves: most anyone who is buying one of these small cars has an Audi/Volvo/BMW SUV for road trips.

If you're actually driving home in a wetsuit you're doing it wrong.

Also, their range is based on WLTP, which is still wildly optimistic (just not as much as NEDC). That 250 mile range is probably <200 miles according to US standards.

...the family plans to use the car as a generator...

At this point, D is to go forwards at idle speeds and R is to go backwards at full speed.

I hope he dies a supremely painful death. Ass ball and dick cancer all at the same time.

america works just like a car... you put it in (D) to go forward and (R) to go backwards...

I vehemently agree.If i drive slow i cant concentrate

I see a recurring theme in the comments: sure it’s nice, but you’ll want more truck from your truck at some point.

Jesus Chrysler...

I’d imagine you can smuggle massive amounts of contraband in the panel gaps alone

Now playing

If you want to see the visual differences between the trims, this video helps a lot:

I’ve been sitting on this image all weekend waiting for this. 

I want to hear the women’s side of the story.

That thing must have screamed...

I've been following Ryan and fortnine for some time now. The videos have progressed to almost a top gear level of quality. This video shows you don't need a 12k dollar bike for off road. The best bike is the one you have. 

My exact same reaction. I wonder if there’s some kind of clutch solenoid thats going to pack it in when it seriously exceeds its duty cycle trying to send power to the front. If so, hopefully it just affects the center differential, but it seems very strange to me that there’s not some kind of light being set. Maybe

This is the only color I want on a Stinger