
But, this is the same story as the rest of human existence. Tragedy of the commons and all that.  Or, more simply, people are assholes.

I was staggered by what I saw Russian and German helicopter demonstration teams doing at the Royal International Air Tattoo in 1995. Flips from a hover, stuff like that...I had no idea.

The trick is to not pull negative G’s. As long as you’re pushing over hard enough during the inverted part, the helicopter will always be under a positive G load, and it’s OK. If you pull any negative G’s you’re going to have a very bad day, though.

I wish they got some video of the pissed off electrician who got to the store after these guys.

Heres’s a guide to Trump’s foreign policy. First, think - what would Putin want?

Hit the road, jack. And don’t you come back no more No More NO MORE No more.

I agree. The old 8 had a “shape” - it didn’t matter about the details. The new one, like too many BMWs relies too heavily on vents and intakes n stuff.

Not even close. E31 is an iconic design, even though it somewhat copies MA70 Toyota Supra and Ford Probe LX on the front end, the E31 arguably does it best.


My GTI came with a hatch full of MS 13.

Seriously..get this dumbass out of office. With every thing he does he’s literally unraveling another thread of the republic. Like it’s universal stupidity that’s running the country right now.

I’m a bit of a fanboi, but I can’t see how his comment that it beats anything in its class can be supported. I read that as beating an M3, for example, and he has got to mean around a real track, not a quarter mile.

My father’s friend was looking for a new luxury sedan and after checking out some Audis, he stopped by BMW. They seemed caught off guard and surprised to even see somebody walking in the door. When he finally gets them to talk to him, they ask him if he has an appointment. “Uh, no”. “Well, you need an appointment”.

I did eventually managed to trade in my 2011 E90 M3 7M-DCT for a 2013 Cadillac CTS-V2 6MT, but yeah after 5x BMWs, the GM dealership experience left a few things to be desired.

Every dealership in Escondido is so far shoved up their own ass its almost funny.

Don Jr fucking Tweeted evidence of collusion. It’s not a matter of there not being collusion. It’s a matter of cataloging it all and the other associated crimes (conspiracy, felony election fraud, money laundering, graft and bribery, etc.). Donald Trump is the most famously corrupt businessmen in the United States.

Size-wise I think the 6 compares more-closely to the 5-series and E-class, but you have a good point.

I bet that armored truck driver is on the brink of getting fired.

Ha - good luck stopping this car with that device (not my car, but have similar era 190D).