
“...minor to moderate injuries.” (in the video)

The Germans will beat them to it, but it’ll be extra freaky and have massive electrical problems. The Italians will make a better looking one that spends most of its time in the shop. The British one will look like it was designed in the 1950's but be incapable of surviving in typical British weather. The American

japan is going to take this tech and build some sex bots. you all know you thought this. 

It’s a shame Mazda ditched their “Zoom Zoom” mantra and Mazdaspeed line.  The Mazdaspeed6 was a very fun car to drive.


The A2 being on this list undermines the list.

Between this meh-appearing hatchback with its Blade Runner-ish details that don’t click at all and the jaw-droppingly gorgeous Charger EV coupe and sedan with equal performance and probably equal price.

Yeah, $12.5k is worth it for the sheer novelty. And it does seem in decent shape.

I badly want the seller to livestream the last few minutes of the auction. Just point a camera at your face while you watch. It’ll probably net you more money in ad revenue than this car will bid to.

The heart wants what the heart wants. I agree with all the negatives posted about the folly of buying an old Alfa that was never imported here. But, I have always lusted after most Alfa Romeo products, and, I’m long overdue for another very questionable irrational decision - NP.

It’s unique enough to be a NP, and it’s modern enough that you’re not taking too much of a risk with Alfa ownership. You could spend a lot more on a less interesting car, and at the end of the day this thing looks like good fun for the money. Just the usual caveat -- with Alfa ownership you need to go in with both

Yeah. I’d bite. And smile happily with the car bites back every few months with some glitch. 

Are you going to include any information about Reed’s pending felony weapons charges? Or his prior arrests that involved firearms? Or perhaps question why he was driving around with a gun in his car with no concealed carry permit, and a previously revoked firearm owners identification card

Say what?  From March 20th:

A 1000hp, 5000 lb track car that probably gets it lap speed through acceleration.  Probably, a great way to go through tires real quick.

There.  I fixed the headline for you.

Given how the Lucid brand is financed by the 9/11-terrorist-providing and journalist-murdering Saudis, absolutely nothing.

I am a fan of Mazda but saying their I4 is the best is a HUGE stretch. After Honda, Toyota, Nissan....hell even some might break into the top 15.

Selling dude is definitely proud of his asking price:

Trouble is, at the end of the day this is still $35K (less any tax credits, but still) for a car of limited usefulness. It’s TWICE the price of an original gas base 500 - and in the sort of use case for this, those just aren’t going to use much gas. Even my 500 Abarth got 35+mpg unless I was driving it like a madman