
I owned a Miata before I knew about this acronym and mine is a 2021...

So sad. You were the best thing to happen to this site in ages...

Great, you can buy an even more expensive version of a slow car.

Everything about that car is ugly. Yes, even the wheels.

That thing is beautiful.

That’s a 64. I had a gold one.

Great story.

it’s not...

Um... No motors in goat racing...

I guess some people do not get the alphabet...

242 lb capacity is not going to be enough for your average Costco shopper.

Honda should be embarrassed by these numbers. It’s 100 HP short of what is reasonable in todays sports models. 

In the US, camera issued tickets are non enforceable. I am not going to admit how many I have thrown in the trash. 


How did they ever get their giant nads in those suits?

Right there with you. It is just awful...

You live in a liberal cesspool and you complain about infrastructure? Do the math dipshit.

It’ll buff out...

Thanks Robb for this review! Well done and I am totally jealous of your job.

Shit the bed?