
Hmmm... Toyota reliability vs BMW? Sorry but you can keep your half second.

I do. Soul red 21 ND RF Miata. Beautiful car...

Didn’t read it. Didn’t need to. 23K is not eff it money for most meaning this puts this car in the daily driver slot. This is not a car you buy for your daily and if you have 23K sitting around for fun, you likely have 45K for a new one.  

Keep in mind the average car buyer does not care (nor should they) about 0-60 time. 

You did not try a brisket sandwich???? Opportunity missed.

Who wouldn’t want a shittier version for the same money?

and just wait until he gets re-elected...

Unless you are very old, you have likely never been around at a time when there was less pollution than today. We may have more cars and factories than we did 50 or even 75 years ago but they output a fraction of what they used to. 

I have seen that so much in northern MN it did not register to me that some might find it odd.

I would love to see this as a regular on Jalopnik. Maybe show a weekly top ten?

The only reason I read Erin’s articles is the same reason I watch 11'8" bridge videos.

Jeebus this is so horribly written. Erin and Larry should be offering up fries with their god given skills.

As bad as you want this to be about race, it’s only about race to your racist ass. This is about money and it would happen as fast in a white Minnesota town as fast as it would a black Tennessee town. 

This is not unique to Chick-fil-A. We have a local chain where I live that effs up traffic every day.

So you are telling me that people that chose to drive a semi for a living as opposed to getting a higher education and getting a white collar job are not great at planning? Color me shocked...

Georgia state tax is going to be suspended.

The surprising thing is not the $35K starting price. The real shocker is there are dumb enough people to pay that kind of money on anything made by Chrysler.

I hate to throw a wrench in your imaginary world but movies do not prove anything to anyone. They are by nature “fictional”.