
not really, if you crash or slide or fly into a solid object at speed, that D30 armor is just going to transfer the impact energy right into your fragile bones

meh. Leathers are only good for dealing with friction. They won’t do shit for impact damage so around town you’re not exactly tempting fate by just wearing boots gloves and a helmet. Your best protection is situational awareness and riding within your abilities.

hello r/moto

this is a bad fedora tipping take.

because that’s how change happens in a democracy? slowly and incrementally.

it’s still fucking private. jesus how does gawker at once denounce the fappening as sexual harassment but posting someone’s sex tape and refusing to take it down under the flag of journalistic integrity ok?

no it looks like a civic coupe

anyone else having trouble with that player? It’s so laggy for me

no no you don’t understand. no one watches these races period. Precious few even know they exist. Ask anyone on these teams how they make their money and they all shrug and go “i have no idea, these races make no money but Company X just keeps funding us so fuckit I’ll keep building race cars”

but that’s extra silly because no one actually watches these races outside of lemans.

everyone sandbags so they don’t get nerfed before lemans. that’s the nature of the series

hot take

*citation needed

I was more referencing your insinuation that a journalist insulted a general and they sent a hit squad after them...

you can tell by the “just saying” closing statement that this was a very thought out and well reasoned take.

literally everyone sandbags..

he said proper! *takes a drink*

not becky; Ashleigh. That’s white trash becky

pretty selfish to bring another human into the world and willfully disadvantage them economically just so you can walk to get mimosas on Sunday.

Excuse why couldn't this poster decide to adopt? Does gender somehow matter for your ability to have a family?