you laugh... but a fixit app for google glass would sell like bananas after the apes take over.
I make have just tipped my hand....
you laugh... but a fixit app for google glass would sell like bananas after the apes take over.
I make have just tipped my hand....
jesus H christ who pissed in their coffee. Yes I mean an AWD system that disengages the rear wheels to save fuel. I said haldex because it's incredibly common. I also say kleenex and scotch tape.
One day I hope to be so rich that I can ruin an entire family, not apologize for it, then go to summer camp for a few years to "get better"
oh ok that makes much more sense now, I thought all their cars used sequential
how.. how are they able to get those numbers without haldex
steering failure was caused by people shorting a circuit in the engine bay and blowing a fuse between power steering and the battery iirc.
Jesus H Christ you take a lot of creative liberty to come to those conclusions.
"my shitty alma matter" would the University of Michigan you self righteous prick, and given their political track record, I'd say your insinuation that they're a willing conspirator in keeping women out of STEM fields is laughable.
But back to the topic at hand, how is it my responsibility to single handedly change…
treating them like shit? how? also shit head? interested in how you came to that conclusion.
I'm speaking by volume. At most universities, Mechanical and EE/CS account for the largest portion of students. I wasn't trying to say that chemical isn't a "real" engineering degree, because it's probably second only to RF electrical engineering in terms of difficulty, it's just not as common.
then again I'm from the…
in industry there may be men who have an issue with this but they're in the minority. Fact of the matter is there is no systemic discrimination against women going into engineering. For some reason when women get the college, the majority decide to not to major in engineering. Never have I heard someone tell a girl…
interesting, I found personally that the females in our COE gravitated towards chemical and BME degrees whereas the bread and butter degrees, Electrical and Mechanical, are almost exclusively male. In automotive (which is basically only these 2 degrees), it's a similar story.
guessing you went to kettering, you're probably pretty used to not seeing women period.
ok, so the commercial wasn't a dead nuts representation of American engineering demographics, but it was fairly accurate. Also taking into account that this is in Germany where (I'm about to talk anecdotally), women are encouraged to have kids because of the declining birthrate and engineering is traditionally a men's…
apparently yes, maybe instead of trying to contrive diversity in commercials, women's rights organizations should promote engineering as a career path and actually solve the problem
hue, I wish
erm, there are really no women engineers period. My alma mater is 50/50 men to women and 85% of the college of engineering is men, a large number of the women in the "real" engineering majors were foreign students from asia, and most of the American women landed in Industrial.
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