
Put the ad on the newspaper, and fill the tank, it will be sold in less than 3 days...

Why is there a bottle of worcestershire sauce on the center console?

I bet that guy thought, “I’m so glad I fired that asshole.” every year around tax time.

My money would be on the fraud being his, not the record breaker’s.

I thought she was fine. She was on pitch and tempo. It’s an absolutely awful song to sing and listen to, so she did something a bit different. *Shrugs*

Hot take: It wasn’t THAT bad.

If he wins, you can bet there are dozens of others who will now realize they have the same non-airtight sales agreements from their local dealerships...

Oh, and I would edit to add, but we seem to be having a quick chat here...so...

I’m not a lawyer. I deal with UCC, but legitimate question: Does UCC cover the agreement with Cena and Ford? I ask that because Cena is not buying from Ford, and Ford is not selling to Cena, therefore its not a “sales” relationship, but rather more of an advertising for services / marketing contract. I don’t think UCC

!!! I love this a lot.

I’m submitting for “cutest restoration project”

Now playing

Every time the Busa is brought up, this ALWAYS deserves a mention.

No, it was a cash isle.

“You know, these get a bad rap but as long as you keep up with regular maintenance they’re actually rock solid!

Oppo is great for finding anecdotal reviews on most anything. Like this one:

you’d need a second one to support you through the act, thats for sure.

Unless I missed something there really isn’t any proof that the cryptocurrency transactions actually took place. Also, the story alleges that Harris gave money to sponsors...doesn’t it work the other way around? He’s been feeling horrible and crying just sounds like trolling for sympathy and delaying reality. And now

Thin Mints? Fat shamer. Do-Si-Do or Tagalong will do.

Thin Mint bridge, dude! Thin Mints. Yah racist! =P

Meanwhile, a billion years in the future...