
$10k AMC Eagle = CP every day. I don’t care how many miles on it. There’s no collector market for this car to justify that price. I’ve owned a clean 2 wheel drive 1982 AMC Spirit GT and a 1983 4WD Eagle like this and neither did I pay more than $800 for. Granted, this was over 25 years ago but no rate of inflation can

Da fuq?

Number 1 on the list is the 1965 Buick Riviera

I just want to say congratulations to AJ McCarron on what is now most certainly a Hall of Fame career. It’s unfortunate for Dalton now who will unfortunately go down with a season ending injury in the next two weeks, forcing the Bengals to play McCarron who will immediately post a 125 passing rating for the season and

If heat build up in the cable is an issue then the cables are undersized. The UL rating of a cable is not affected by what position the cable is in (Coiled, twisted, flat, etc).

So I got chastised in a few relationships for never remembering to say Bless You. They felt like I was just ignoring them.

I’ve come to agreements with a few friends to wait after they say “okay” then I’ll say it because if I say it too early they’ll sneeze again.

Everyone has different desires and saying simply what

Really, it’s come to this?

The infallible level 5 autonomous car is our generations flying car. Only a few years away!!!

I’m curious as to your reason for describing binding arbitration as “less than favorable” for the consumer. Binding arbitration is a fantastic way to resolve a consumer issue for a fraction of the cost and time of litigation. It favors neither plaintiff or defendant. If you really look at this issue, the only person

IMHO class action lawsuits are for the most part a joke. The only ones that make any money are the lawyers while the plaintiffs get bupkis. I was part of a class action suit several years back against Capital One and my settlement check was a whopping 31¢. Yippee. I’m damn sure the lawyers involved did WAY better than

The Woz (as his friends and fans call him) didn’t offer a specific reason for his lack of interest in the iPhone X

Especially pre-facelift, the Encore looks like a Pokemon of a Buick.

WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.

Fuck that Baby Boomer for screwing up the economy and creating a terrible situation to be starting his life in.

If you went to McDonald’s for their nasty-ass chicken nuggets just to get some sauce because a cartoon character raved about it, you are one of the most gullible fools ever. You got played by a cartoon and a mega-corporation.

If you waited in line for hours to get said sauce, you have officially failed at life.

Putting those cars next to each other you realize how hideous the Civic really is. Wow!!!

A manufacturer’s dealers are uniformly bad and you don’t think the manufacturer is part of the issue?

I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. When Uber first tried starting up in the city years ago they pulled out because city council insisted they comply with some regulations. Guess what those regulations were. Council wanted Uber to ensure their driver’s were licenced as commercial drivers, passed criminal background

I’m sorry. This sane, even-keeled and correct take on the debate will not be tolerated here. Good day, sir!

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime