
I finally just now put my finger on what is missing from this (surprisingly constructive) conversation, and that is the idea of a fair trial. Everyone deserves a fair trial. Even guilty people, and even guilty people that are actually guilty corporations. A fair trial is what Ryan inadvertently interfered with in some

Seems like he really did get them only due to an error. Also seems like he could have waited to publish them until the matter was settled in court (“the right thing”), as politely requested. Ryan did nothing wrong technically and legally, but he did nothing all that noble either, and now some clerk will probably lose

It was an interesting solution to a problem that everyone was facing at the time, which is how to have powerful and engaging cars while complying with new emissions restrictions. It’s unobtrusive for normal daily driving, and I assume that most people just left the OD on all the time after the initial tinkering

Random? lol!

It’s clearly a subliminal campaign ad. It’s genius, really.

My favorite trivia factoid about the Trooper is that in Australia it was called “Jackaroo.” No shit. That is the most Australian-sounding name for an automobile I have ever heard. I always wonder if the team that came up with the name had any actual Australians input, or if it was group of outsiders that just threw

I agree, it’s a great design that stayed fresh for a very long time.

This is the first one I haven’t hated.

So dealers control the price of new cars, and not manufacturers? Huh. I never knew that, and I’ve worked at dealerships all my life. We should just consider lowering prices then, I guess. Thanks for the tip!

First mistake was accepting the job of transporting a humongous old Caddy that doesn’t run and has flat tires WITHOUT A FLATBED. This trailer only has two tire-wide rails, so once the tire situation causes a wheel to slide off, the rest is really out of anyone’s hands outside of getting a crane to reset it. This

LOL. Then they jump the bridge and miss cause they didn’t have enough momentum

Thank you for the video. I was wondering how in the world they do this, and it’s even more archaic than I pictured.

Those incidents would not fall under warranty as they are not due to manufacturer defect. However, they would fall under a road hazard protection, which is an upsell when you buy your tires or in the finance office(my office) when you buy your car. Your roads must really suck.

Not untrue.

Ya my neighborhood is more John Deere than Porsche.

911. Always wanted one, swore it was going to be next car now that I can afford a decent used one. But man, what if the fricken motor grenades and a new one costs 17 grand and no one around here knows how to put it in? So I did the responsible thing and bought a brand new FIATA with full factory warranty for the same

Same thing I was wondering. I bet some logistics management team made a career out of putting this string together.

And it won’t go away. This will be the number one Gawker story this year.

I know you’re frustrated, and this was just blowing off some steam. But seriously, get out of the business. You’re making the rest of us look bad, and you’re obviously not making it anyway.