
Best part of Jalopnik, and I love that it’s consistently there every morning. Excellent pithy writing (I often learn a new vocabulary word), great choice of cars, and good fun arguing in the comments over the merits of a particular automobile. Great job, Graverobber!

But he’s a great Youtuber.... It’s a different deal altogether.

Same thing I was thinking.... I loved Doug’s review from a few weeks ago.

This needs more stars.

Then she saw the giant word “FUEL” and it confirmed she was on the right track.

I’m certain that it’s way more fun to trash around in an already totalled-out piece of shit through a field or something than it is to drive a supercar cautiously around an oval. In fact, junk yards should totally make money on the weekends with this concept. I would pay a couple hundred bucks to race a

Same on our FIATA. It’s actually ridiculous, I couldn’t even change the channel using the touch screen. However, we found a hack for it that disabled it.

Thank you, I was trying to figure out how that trunk fit into the original design and couldn’t get my brain to cooperate. Taking that into account, this is actual a marvel of exceptional quality. Still CP though... I’m at 7-8 grand.

You know what? That is a damn fine commercial!!

That is some super-villain level shit right there.

Plus it just makes so much more sense being electric. I don’t unerstand why Elio went gas, and then made absurd claims about what kind of mileage they could get.

I always thought these built-in car seats in Dodge Caravans were a good idea, but poorly executed. They were all floppy and weird, and I always assumed that by the time the van hit the used car market they no longer met new safety standards.

I always wondered how in the world those were legal. Anyone small enough to sit in them definitely needed to be in an actual car seat.

I have experienced the weird landscape home screen too! All the icons are where they should be in portrait, but the picture is sideways. My phone is a 6 that doesn’t even support a landscape home screen, so I don’t get what’s going on.

This fixed my battery drain issue. It’s like after the phone operates for so many hours, the software gets mixed up on how to calculated remaining battery life. A fresh install straightens it out. I’ve had to do it twice in maybe 3 years.

Pretty much what I thought. It was a joke from the guy that once answered “What is a taco?” in final jeopardy.

It’s all I’ve ever been able to see. Also on the lower grill here:

Thank you! That sentence just sounded so wrong to me.