
Putting aside the ongoing joke that brown-wagon-stick is cool, this is just not a desirable enough vehicle to command that price. For 10 grand you can get a classic car that everyone will recognize and appreciate, and therefore has market value. This thing would still be questionable at half that price. The value just

I feel your pain. I’ve owned dozens of vehicles and THE ONLY engine I have ever had crap out on me is the famed GM 3800 series II that everyone tells me is the best engine ever and totally bulletproof. I say nay.

A colon?

The giant folding panels on Lincolns hid the headlights the best.

That guy seriously dodged a bullet.

I’ll bet everyone that had the V6 went around bragging that their boring car “has a DeLorean engine in it.” LOL!

Maybe I’ll find myself on the wrong side of history, but I honestly think that all this push to automate cars will result in nada. Sure, safety features like automatic braking and keeping you in your lane will improve. But fully autonomous cars that can drive anywhere and require zero human assistance? I’ll go on


They did that later, and it was somehow even worse:

Neutral: Would You Buy A New Harley If You Had The Money?

Ya the whole thing only really works if the cars are communicating with each other. Which won’t work because of all the old cars.


There are programmed in fake gears to use with the paddles, but they’re sort of pointless here.

Half of me is going all Shatner inside and wants to scream “Get a life, people.” But ya, the business part of my brain can’t process that these folks haven’t figured out how to monetize this yet. Sounds like they could ask for a 3 dollar donation to take a selfie and easily make enough money to rent a nicer place and

I don’t know...it sounded good.

Your “The General” insurance will not cover this repair on a million dollar race car, FYI.

The bombshell is that it’s on its first transmission.

Yes, this! I never understand why their studio location had zip to do with their filming location.

Well, sure. Especially when the alternative is to believe that you’re privileged and therefore part of the problem.

That’s the floatiest floating pillar I’ve ever seen. What exactly is going on there? It looks almost like it has tiny wings.