
Exactly, it’s not that hard. Advertise it right, and every car will bring exactly what it’s worth, too.

I hadn’t thought of that. He definitely would have some explaining to do to other government entities regarding selling 20 cars a month. But collectors do sell off entire collections sometimes, so there must be a provision for it.

Has he never heard of an auction? They could sell the whole lot in one afternoon. The 20/month quota is not that bad.

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Nailed it. It’s probably necessary but no one asked for it and now they’re pretty hard to avoid. It is a negative for most individuals but a win overall.

“Flat rate makes it easier to quote customers though.”

Ya, I would be more excited if it was bone stock. It’s a 7-8000 car, with a 2000 dollar questionable mod. Where he got the other 4-5000 is anyone’s guess.

I drove one of these just to see what it was like, as I had never driven an electric car. It was unpleasant.

The quotes from the IPO filing sound like they came off a bankruptcy filing. I can’t imagine anyone will invest in this company, or that a ton more people will place deposits, or that they’ll get that government grant. It’s so over.

I can’t find the actual law, but this story says:

I get it, I like it. However, I honestly can’t believe they used the phrasing “at least the speed limit” in the interview. This totally is advocating speeding. Driving the precise speed limit is not always possible due to margin of error, so they’re saying to go ahead and go over. I doubt the actual law is worded that

Well I guess I have no choice but to stand corrected....man there sure are some lousy business practices out there. Sometimes I forget that, this is a healthy reminder. Thanks

Jeez burner phones and fake emails. Car buyers sure are shady. How about just say “please don’t call me anymore” and unsubscribe from auto emails? You’re just shopping for a car, not pulling off some top secret clandestine operation. I understand why Tom does this, because he’s doing nothing all day but communicating

That. Is. Awesome!

Right, but in practice it probably does neither well. A truck is a truck, and a tractor is a tractor. If they were meant to be combined, someone would have worked out how to get a tractor to go 65 miles per hour awhile ago, lol. This just seems like more of a hobbyist thing than anything that actual farmers or

That’s really cool, but seems kind of silly when tractors are readily available and even more robust. How many of these attachments were actually used during the CJ time frame, and how many were concocted later just to prove it could be done? Are they Jeep specific, or just taken off of a tractor and used this way?

That was my thought at first, but I just don’t see how it could get that far. I mean, it was with a subprime lender, so they would need some combination of identification, checkstubs, proof of residency, references, verification of employment, a customer interview...

The article says that they sold the car to someone else. Whole thing makes no sense, especially knowing how hard it is to actually get a subprime loan funded. There’s only one title, so the thing was going to blow up eventually...there’s just no way to sell the same car twice.

We have considered going all electronic to speed the process for our customers and eliminate paperwork for ourselves. There are plenty of systems to do this, some simple ones, and some pretty sweet elaborate ones with giant touchscreen desks. But my hesitation has always been that it involves a great deal of trust for

It’s a very antiquated system of gauging customer satisfaction.