
*immediately scrolled to the bottom*

Always happy to see an FU given to Ryan, but really - fuck everyone that fought to keep this useless chaplain position occupied.

How the hell is anything with *coconut* anywhere near the top of this list, let alone number 1? Completely wrong.

Forget about Karl Urban’s recent show Almost Human (chances are,you already have).

Counterpoint: It is the most heavy-handed, hit-you-over-the-head-with-the-social-justice-message, show on television, ever.

I liked the bit where Hondo said, “They CAN fly!” 

Seriously, it’s right there in the Tag line. “There can be only One!”

I am Groot!

That woman painted as Pikachu is maybe the darkest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s like, the void embodied as a person.

My prediction is that Iris is a super on another Earth. The color palette on that costume is more Earth-2.

In case anyone’s wondering about the technical details of this that we can piece together from Intel’s grudging admissions... This is very non-technical, forgive me if I skip over some details that make you froth. And of course I only know what’s leaked, so hard specifics are in short supply, but I think this is

10 years for it to be discovered by legit researchers. No telling when state-level or other groups knew about it.

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

John Hurt as Obi Wan? I’ll accept this.

Actually, I am surprised. I assumed all 42 would’ve been men without a doubt. Maybe he pushed the wrong button or made some kind of typo and that’s what happened.

I look forward to hearing all the people who haven’t thought or cared about this show for over 30 years suddenly be really angry that it’s getting a female lead reboot.

... Or use keepass.

“Reddit feels old. We don’t want to be associated with old,”

Man, USA has put a lot of effort into advertising this coming Mr. Robot Season.

I don’t know, the way I read it with the context is that he doesn’t blame the audience for not getting it but himself for not managing to get the intended message across to the audience.