Jb boin

Well, there is also 10 hours of music/video to listen to, how long did it took to write this?

They should rename it as Robowreck and do some destruction derby.

The Clio R.S. and the S1 have already been discontinued with the new generations of both cars and the Polo GTI is not really a thing anymore (no orders, only what is available on the “parkings” which is close to none ; probably for European CAFE reasons).

Understeering is less dangerous and tricky on a mountain road (especially if there are guardrails as you wont hit them with much angle), you usually just accelerate less or steer a bit more and you are good.

Or a simpler explanation :

Congrats !

There is an antenna on the roof :

Production capacity between Europe and North America is not exchangeable for most cases due to the tariffs it wouldn’t make much sense to import cars made in Europe when there are already factories and workers available locally and with mostly models that would not be shared directly between both markets.

What i meant is that it won’t be because of the merger itself that there would be change (as PSA doesn’t have any factory in NA) but you are right that Carlos will most probably want to rationalize the production if it’s already a mess (and it looks to be).

DS is already one sedan (mainly created for the Chinese market) and two CUVs that are on both the most interesting segments at the moment in Europe so it would not make sense to cut them.

There is no risk for most of the north American factories as there is no overlap between FCA and PSA on those markets, it’s in Europe and latin America that it might be more problematic.

It looks like a PR stunt, not sure he will have anything to do with real racing.

Having an AWD transmission is actually worse than a 7hp loss.


You forgot Al-pine = Alpine, the Japanese car-audio brand :)