
And Huckabee is working on opening a private beach for the rich folks!

Dont forget his followers! aka Cletus

The Answer is always Molly..Mind. Blown

I’ll raise you one. Winning!

Disco Stu doesn’t advertise!!!

Lemonade out of lemons! says Liz lemon.

Leaves of three, let them be, leaves of four, eat some more! Doh!

I have loved Padma Lakshmi..Full stop. <3


Can start here..

Used to sell cheese in a fancy market. Tried lifting one of those wheels of aged parm in the pic and it gave me a hernia. Had to have surgery. True story. Also nibbled on it 8 hrs a day selling it, not something I would suggest. As it was the gift and the curse. Backed up worse than traffic on LA freeway during rush

I’ve done DC to Bangkok about a dozen times, takes over a day. I break it up, Dc to Lax, jump the pacific, usually a layover in taiwan, nice airport there. I grab the red eye out of LAX with 300 ppl, they feed you late and open bar so a hot meal, it’s late, add a glass of wine, advil pm, ear plugs and eye mask and try

“But can I masturbate with it”?  Dudes everywhere.

Jellow McJellowface.

(scribbles notes) Thanks for the tip my White hat Friend...not to be confused with a White Hood.....may need so send in a spy to Florida as my pal Bugs told me he’d like to saw that dump off.

It’s a Moot point, maybe go as a Covfefe instead, or Hamberder.