Ew, it says Verizon right on it.
Ew, it says Verizon right on it.
No time to read anything. No lines here in Wyoming :)
Omg, no. It's soooo good. Soothes the soul!
Wow, judging by these pictures I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought!
Also, the iPad mini is currently a waste of money. Why on earth was it not released with a retina display and at LEAST an A6 chip?! You can get a retina display and a faster processor on the latest iPOD, including 32GB of storage for $30 cheaper than the iPad mini. This is unacceptable. They should have released a…
Yeah, with no retina display and an old processor I find myself asking what is the point? If anything this should be the same specs as an iPad 4 or at least an iPad 3. You can get a better machine for less money with an iPOD now!
Exactly how I feel about Win8
Again, the Start SCREEN (ie: Metro) does NOT equal the Start Menu of previous versions. Just because something says "Start" on it does not make it the Start Menu.
Weren't the LG Retina displays on the MacBook Pro Retina the ones that had all the problems? If so, this sounds like really bad news for people who love their Retina displays working correctly...
I completely agree. There NEEDS to be a way to bring back the Start menu. Without it, the OS is crippled as far as I am concerned. I tried running Win8 as a VM and none of the corner charms worked right. I am sure the same would be true using RDP to connect to a Win8 machine. The Charms are a neat idea, but there…
I'd hit it before or after. lol
I tried using it. 5 clicks just to shut down. You can't run it on a VM or an RDP session (the corners don't work right). In some ways it was okay, but there NEEDS to be an option to (at a minimum) bring back the start menu or, as far as I'm concerned, it's crippled out of the box.
Good point. As more and more ISPs do this, the ones who DON'T will get all the customers.
I'm so glad I signed up for BTGuard.
Duck season! Rabbit season!
It even looks more like a virus this way. :)
Let's just all hope that Apple doesn't try to make their own search engine now...
News organizations also have control over EVERYTHING they decide to release to the public or report! Wikileaks does not "dictate public policy." All they do is report the news. Granted, it tends to be the highly sensitive, "TOP SECRET" news that our government and military would much rather stay secret, but that's…
Wikileaks has a right to be as secretive as they want. They aren't elected officials! They are a private organization. And same goes for Assange being a control freak over them. It's HIS organization and he can do as he wants! All democratic governments have a responsibility of transparency to those who elected them…
Then let's hope we continue our exit from free market Capitalism. The deeper we can bury it, the better.