Jay See


I'm calling it now, our serial killer is none other than…Max Hopewell!

Agent Denis O'Hare had a hard copy of pre-Hood's NYPD file and interview tape that he sent to Siobhan. Presumably he got them from Agent Cancerstick but Cancerstick had to get them from somewhere. Hood's record possibly turning up was definitely the first thought that crossed my mind regarding the arrest. But since

I thought that was a great moment. It was both darkly comic and a bravura statement by Job: "This motherfucker does not get more second of my time."

I want a spinoff where Job and Fat Au drive cross-country in a van solving committing crimes.

SORAS, aka Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome.

Damon informing Ric that he compelled the paramedics to keep Stefan alive at the risk of forfeiture of their thumbs followed by their enthusiastic thumbs ups was the greatest moment of the season to date.

It would certainly put a new spin on the concept of "head shot".

Don't fuel it after midnight.


Melon farmer!

Back when I was a wee Internet-using lad, inasmuch as AOL dialup can be called the Internet, this film was the source of many of my early screen names. If you ever run across an archived message board post from Otto chances are reasonably high that it's mine. Then the goddamn Simpsons named their bus driver Otto and

51 wigs works out to 3.92 wigs per episode. I assume that Phillip-as-Clark accounts for the .92 wig.

No mention of how Rip said he would be drawing for "Sheriff Palmer" and Stillwater knew what he was talking about even though Stillwater only knew him as "Sheriff John Wayne"? Boy, I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

That is was weird in 2016 for a cis actor to play a trans character. Which broadly makes sense (although I have always been in favor of the best actor for a role getting the role) but Frank is not transgender. He's a transvestite. And yes I know that transvestites are lumped under the broader "trans" umbrella but it's

I can name you two better Tracy Turnblands: Ricki Lake and Marissa Jaret Winokur.

Going off on a tangent, Adam Lambert's stated reason for not wanting to play Frank-N-Furter was one of the dumbest things I've read in a long long time.

Even though I am one of the three people in the United States who's heard of it, I gotta give a shout out to Juan Chioran in the Stratford production of Dracula: A Chamber Musical. It's available on DVD and if you can find it I can't recommend if highly enough. My BFF and I have watched it every year for Halloween for

Tammy Blanchard was outstanding as a young Garland in Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows so we already know what that looks like. Hathaway's been signed to that role for close to a decade at this point; I am not confident that it will ever happen and am frankly fine if it doesn't.

Backyard sand pit.