Jay See

Other than knowing Ancient Greek was there any logical way to have a better than one-in-seven shot at that FJ? I went with Wednesday just because the Greek was kinda sorta similar to "hermaphrodite" and Wednesday is in the middle of the week like a hermaphrodite is kinda sorta but not really in the middle of the sexes.

Six Degrees of Separation (From the Presidency According to the Succession Act of 1947)

Sexplosion: From Andy Warhol to A Clockwork Orange - How a Generation of Pop Rebels Broke All the Taboos by Robert Hefler: An examination of how mainstream and underground pop culture underwent a quantum leap between 1966 and 1972. Major subjects include the aforementioned Warhol and ACO along with films like Midnight

I'm liking this show better than Daredevil at the moment for one simple reason: somebody turned on the lights. I was frustrated so many times with DD because so much of it was so dimly lit that I had a terrible time understanding what was happening. That extended far too often into the fight scenes which would have

Life-size Chippendale cutout wearing Santa hat, not necessarily on head.


I still remember him fondly from his first series regular role, a very high-concept Showtime series called Leap Years. The series, which aired in 2001, followed a group of friends through three years in their lives, 1993, 2001 and 2008. Each episode cut back and forth between the eras. Dillahunt played Gregory Paget,

If she knows she does the voice then she can not do the voice.

The greatest holiday commercial of all time is the Hershey's Kiss ad where the kisses are a bell choir and they play "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". The Norelco Santa sledding in an electric razor head with the announcer proclaiming that even the name says Christmas held the title for many years but Hershey

And he did a guest shot on Happy Endings poking fun at his then-"famous guy's kid" image so you know he's cool.

Among the lot she's played against? That is not exactly high praise.

Which is something that only the douchenerdiest of douchenerds would care about.

Of course the episode immediately explained that it was the circuitry developed by Lord that Alex had never seen before and deemed advanced but by all means please don't let information conveyed within the episode within minutes of the thing that you're complaining about stop you from complaining about it.

:::Spike Lee angrily tweets Cat Stevens's home address:::

That header image looks like Livingston is raising money to play Cleopatra in an Internet-meme-centric remake of Freaks.

No, but Dick Cheney in a two-piece…ah-OOOH-gah!

It would have depended on how the scene was executed. Perhaps "moment of triumph" is too loaded a phrase for what I'm trying to express.

It can be two things.

Thank you! The commentariat had led me to believe that I was the only one unsatisfied by that ending. There is no way that the season should have ended with anything other than

Looks like SOMEBODY'S not ready to match the stars!