Jay See

Ah, so you're not only a dick, you're a proud unrepentant dick.

Or just don't be a spoiler-posting dick. That works too.

No, folks shouldn't fucking post spoilers for future episodes. Other peoples' participation in the discussion shouldn't be curtailed because assholes won't stop themselves from being assholes.

Being safe would be not posting material about future episodes at all.

Do you realize that even with a spoiler warning your spoilers are plainly visible? Or are you just a dick?

"I can't answer that question without spoilers." Simple, effective and to the point.

It may be safer but it's unreasonable and dare I say unfair for those who have watched ahead to dictate when those who haven't get future information. I honestly cannot understand what is so difficult about not posting spoilers. I can guarantee that no one on this site will ever have something so earth-shatteringly

The best way to keep spoilers to a minimum is to post no spoilers. The minimum number of spoilers is zero.

Copyright 1968. Hmmm, determined or not that cat must be long dead. That's kind of a downer.

Excellent idea. Please couple it with a "no spoilers in comments" directive in the twice-weekly reviews for those of us who can't or don't want to binge.

There was also One Man Army on Discovery hosted by Mike Hawke.

Theeeeere iiiiiiisssss noooooooo sanctuary from shitty reboots!

That man has never watched Sullivan and Son in his life!

Worse. The House of Lords.

SOTR is a motif in the music of Wicked. There's a legal myth that a composer can use up to seven sequential notes from another composition and not have it considered legal plaigarism. Wicked composer Stephen Schwartz used the first seven notes of SOTR as the lead in to several songs. Any time you hear the word

Have I forgotten something about why the Cortez child was in the hospital?

Give Matt a break, he has only recently begun to process hu-mon emotions.

Not to take a thing away from Matt's performance but I really wish that the game hadn't swung on that bone-crushingly easy DD3. There is no way on Glinda's green Oz that that was a $2,000 clue.

Are you serious?!

Donald Trump immediately calls for Lou to be deported to Mexico.