Jay See

You leave Honey Boo Boo out of this!

No, see, there are the reviews which are written by someone with the A.V. Club and which are spoiler-free. Then there are the comments contributed by AVC readers. Reviews are already free from spoilers. Asking that comments be spoiler-free is really a minimal request that anyone who isn't a fucktard should be able to

Pubic wigs. It's the 'Merkin way.

Because people should be allowed to enjoy and discuss entertainment at their own pace and not have to worry about having their enjoyment compromised by assholes who decide to watch ahead. Because people who decide to watch ahead shouldn't be allowed to dictate when or how other people receive information about later

The trailer does not answer the important questions, like does Bobby Cannavale hang dong?

If politely requesting that people not be assholes makes me a crybaby, then so be it. If not being an asshole is beyond your obviously limited capabilities as a human being, well, I feel sorry for you.

Why should I or anyone else have to miss out on real-time participation in the discussion of any particular episode because some asshole can't bring himself not to post spoilers? The burden should be on the person who's watched ahead not to be a spoiler-posting dickbag, not on the person watching along with the

Did you misunderstand my comment or are you deliberately being an ass? I am asking that reader comments that contain spoilers for episodes which come after whichever one is being currently reviewed be disallowed.

Fitz and Mack had way better chemistry.

"Jessica Jones debuts this Friday, and you should be very excited for it. I’ll be doing episodic reviews for TV Club twice a week."

Some, I assume, are good aliens.

Jameson Parker's greatest achievement was hanging dong in The Bell Jar.

Also Absent, Also Noteworthy: It's a queer night on TCM with Reflections In a Golden Eye at 8:00 EST and In Cold Blood at 10.

I saw an interstitial on that shot on TCM a few years back. I wish I could remember who gave the interview, someone associated with the picture, but he reported that while the rain was obviously a deliberate choice the mimicking of tears was completely accidental.

Coincidentally for those who don't plan to run out and grab this release today, In Cold Blood is airing tonight on TCM at 10:00 PM EST.

The "dead person returning to talk to the living from inside their own heads" conceit really needs to be retired across the board for a good few seasons. Ghost Patti on The Leftovers can stay but the rest of you ghosts need to go.

Do not tease me with the idea of a Grimjack TV series that we will never have.

I would not be opposed to a cameo by Angel and the Ape.

They and the Singhs can double date!

It really depends on the series. I have found the world building on The Flash to be a lot more organic than on Arrow. It is entirely possible that this is because the world building on Arrow has largely been fragmented from the rest of the story and centered around Laurel who is the worst (I have not seen the most