Jay See

And SVU did one in 2010 called "Quickie". It ended with the perp getting sprayed in the face with acid in open court and then his grandfather committed suicide.

Hahaha, remember when we used to think it would be Robert Downey Jr. who would die in a gutter?

Let's hope if he is announcing that he's HIV+ that the media handles it better than it did Danny Pintauro's recent similar announcement. I imagine it will if for no other reason than Sheen would have contracted it through good old fashioned straight sex and not from doing nasty gay stuff after smoking crystal meth.

He was the best part of Baywatch Hawaii.

IMDB isn't considered a reliable source because it relies on reader-submitted content which isn't subject to editorial vetting. I was involved, jeez, about a decade ago in trying to get a non-notable actress's article deleted from Wikipedia but it kept getting retained based on IMDB listing articles and interviews

Banshee dammit!

Oh honey, if I wasn't treating you with the basic respect that even a purported human being like you deserves you would know it. You have made the classic immature asshole mistake of confusing disagreement with your opinion with being personally attacked. You compounded your fuckwad idiocy by pretending that I had

Yes, given the shitstorms that raged around more than one Leftovers review relating to racial issues and how the critic discussed them, we really do need to handle such criticism carefully. You're certainly free to believe that Virgil is the Boss Embodiment of the trope and you're also free to be an insulting prick

But the Magical Negro exists solely to help the white protagonist achieve his goal. Virgil throughout the season has been shown as using his "powers" for both white and black characters. Not every black character who purports to have powers automatically embodies the trope and it's lazy criticism to assign them to the

It absolutely did not matter what answer Patti gave to that question. If she says yes then Kevin responds as he did. If she says no then he reasons that she knows that if he drinks it she will be destroyed. Classic madman logic.

It's fashionable to cast every African American who renders assistance to a white character as an exemplar of the Magical Negro trope no matter how wildly inappropriate it is to do so.

Leisure played Sledge's Armenian cousin Ballpeen.

Because the other sitcom this year about an Irish family fared so well.

The Red Road is an intensely fair-to-middling drama series that centers around a federally non-recognized Indian tribe in upstate New York. Various members of the tribe are involved in various criminal enterprises and in the first episode the local sheriff gets drawn into the intrigue after his wife mows down an

Which one is Weller again?

Ten bucks father, same as in town.

The last five minutes really knocked me out and blew me away.

Thank god you were here.

Dear Abraham,

William Shakespeare had Uhtred in mind when he created the expression "too dumb to live". How does he never learn? How many times does he have to be screwed over by everyone in the world before he figures out that everyone in the world will screw him over? It's getting harder and harder to root for him because he is