
Part of the problem, so far, is that there are too many "favorites". It's hard to care at this point.

What's more surprising is that, at one point, he seemed decently hidden and then jumped out of the woods like a crazy person rather than just trying to orchestrate the removal of one of the people talking about him….especially because one was Sandra who eventually got him out….and who needs to go too.

I'm pretty sure I read that there were supposed to be three tribes: Winners, Almost winners, and med evacs or something like that. They couldn't get the balance they needed so it just became a hodge-podge with a pretense.

Maybe when America is great again? He does seem to ebb and flow with how dominant America is at the time…50's and 80's come to mind. Alright, on second thought, maybe America doesn't need to be great as much as we need Communists.

I thought that last Punisher movie was fucking awesome though. Best one by far. I haven't seen how it plays out on DD because I can't get into the Netflicks series for some reason. Although, I think I will go back and watch DD at least.

Ah, my bad. Yeah, I didn't get JW really either, but my kid loves dinosaurs so I just rolled with it.

I'm a big enough X-man nerd I actually probably could. That's why it's always shocking to me that they pick either the most obscure ones, invent ones, or merge characters for all the movies.

It actually makes me sadder (if not worse) that liberals are so often misguided, though. Im pretty moderate and I the nk some repubs fit the "ethical" but misguided bill

I can see how Batman vs. Superman is the Browns of Superhero movies.

Right. The Pope is such an asshole.

I think you're giving the dems too much credit.

They were stretching it with the Netflicks Marvel stuff. I, personally, never really got the Luke Cage-Jessica Drew-Iron Fist shit. Daredevil is classic, but how did they not have the Punisher as it's own series to begin with? Also, Cloak and Dagger could be alright if done well.

He was a werewolf. I believe that was his biggest claim to fame that I'm aware of.

Well….shit. I'm a Marvel guy and I JUST THIS SECOND realized that Will Smith wasn't playing Deathstroke in Suicide Squad. He was some guy named "Deadshot"? Jesus, DC is fucking horrible- with respect to people who have followed it since they were kids.

Were you an adult then? I remember part of the appeal was they were actually cloning shit left and right and mapping the genome and all this kind of stuff at the time so the "science" part was really the main hook + killer special effects for the time. Story-wise..meh. It's basically 90s schlock.

I don't believe either party has an interest in solving problems which we can all agree are problems. Education and poverty get some play, but there are radically different approaches towards solving those problems.

Thanks. It's not real clear how they derived that number though since the actual numbers they note are, obviously, low. I'm surprised at the break-down of "acts". It would be my guess we'd also easily hit the 93% if we're talking cybercrimes, etc.

Personally, I think they are exactly the same in the number of both parties who have a "burn anything down for profit" policy and those who sincerely believe what they do is for the betterment of citizens.

Wonder how they got to that number since it's so often unreported (there especially)? Have a link?

I don't really understand this response. Do I have time to post and reply? Yes, sometimes. If I don't have the time then I don't reply. Isn't that true for everyone?