
Because 1. It doesn't matter what we do, we should actively try to not generalize. When you write a whole post railing against a group you are obviously not "checking yourself" in any way. Are you going to defend being prejudicial now just because everyone is to some degree?

Feel? It doesn't feel like anything…it's an internet forum. If I let internet forums into my emotional world I'm pretty sure I'd be a wreck.

I forgot about that one…How come I didn't see jokes about that when the whole Russian hooker thing came out….I do remember his defense being something along the lines of being a germaphobe.

Great. Don't respond. Don't waste your time. Then I won't have to pretend generalizing entire groups of people is a valid way to look at the world. Feel free to block me. I encourage it.

Oh, now we're going to split hairs and parse the OP for not meaning "Every Republican" just those under 60? What a great "point" that is…..

Edit. 26%. Typo.

According to Gallup, 42% of the population identifies with the Republican party. The number which is full on Republican is 29%.

I'm not brilliant, but I also know you aren't either. You, frankly, seem like a pretty hateful person so I can appreciate the irony of your post.

But no good Republicans. Ever. EVER.

Really? So the following comment from me isn't a "point"?

Yup. That pretty much sums up your OP. I'd add trite too, but close enough.

I agree with you, but….

Do smart people also use their generalizations to rant all the time?

You say that….unless you're someone who posts something slightly against the norm, nuanced, or something which goes against the prescribed "comment guidelines" and you'll be exposed to just as dumb and shallow thinking as anywhere…

Nah. This stuff is just new to younger people because they actually lived through a period of peace and stability…..they just aren't able to realize how peaceful and stable the world is right now and how ethical politics are corporations are. It's all relative and the older you get the better you see how the world is.

You mean Anglo…not American.

I've seen studies that show men check out each other's bulges more than women.

I sincerely don't understand the need to stigmatize people, in this case women, who have a different point of view. I hate to break it to some people, but "feminism" isn't monolithic or a scientific fact…

It's probably a legit symptom of his malignant narcissism.

Unless you've boned another race you're a racist in my book.