
Nope. Elizabeth Warrens needs a job.

You don't need to go all the way to N. Korea to experience what you're talking about….

..because generalizing is something smart people do…..

We used to take my kid in when she was an infant and she was quiet as a mouse. She's always had a good attention span. However, it wasn't until she was about two and we went to see Jurassic World that I realized how, er, verbal kids are in the theater. At home she can watching them all the way through….in the opening

Next episode she'll have that abortion she's always wanted.

I'm not advocating for technocratic authoritarianism….I'm arguing for policy networks and power spheres. These things exist and are extremely successful but they just sort of "happen" in isolation with the way we do our politics.

Well, American style democracy also puts the POTUS in an unnaturally powerful position.

Amazing buildings? lol.

There should be more Ed Hochuli references in the world.

I did the same thing….and I had the thought that Matt Iseman deserves more than American Ninja Warrior and should be on something like the Today show or Good Morning America…..then I realized to have that thought meant I was way, way older than I'd imagined myself to be.

I did on DVR. I'd never watched a season. Then I felt icky. Boy George and Jon Lovett are really compelling, though.

Hated him since he asked my friend's father at a Doral pro-am if he'd ever "f*cked an Oompa Loompa…" Did it for me …

They certainly can't do it legally….which would require a significant coverup to avoid….which isn't what Trump is talking about (although, I'm not sure he understands what he's talking about either).

Actually, it's just the weekend and he likes to take the weekend off to relax and do personal stuff….I think that's true in his world and wrong on a billion levels.

The Pence email thing wasn't leaked. It was granted to a journalist through a Freedom of Information request.

Don Lemon, contrary to all the pundits on his show talking how the speech was good for Trump, said that it sounded like it was written and given by a college student in a public speaking class. I thought that was appropriate.

I have to go to an adult event with liberals today. This is completely true: I woke up and had the happy thought of not having to listen to everyone talk politics because I've recently seen these people and Trump has been, basically, quiet. Damn it.

Everyone here is talking about the FISA warrant. Yes, that's most certainly true.

Just going to throw out there that there's nothing inherently wrong with charter schools. Lots of the best education states use them. It's about regulation and monitoring.

I looked up the Saleh v. Bush cases because I'm unfamiliar with the details. It should be noted, from what I can gather, that 1) the case was dismissed (although being appealed) and 2) the case was dismissed specifically because a sovereign nation is immune from criminal prosecution.