
Anytime we see Oprah my wife and I just substitute "cock" every time she says bread. It makes her way more likable.

Obama wasn't qualified. He was, however, an intelligent person.

Not Bill Gates. However, I'd be down with an engineer of some type. At least I know they'd be intellectually curious, not overly moral, and a problem solver.

Why not? Republicans have a ton of Latinos to go get in on the action. I guess the Dems have a few more Jews they could wheel out. You're probably right that we'll never have an Asian though- Indians notwithstanding.

If you think Warren's a good pick you might as well go with Oprah.

Plus, I'm pretty sure he was going through a divorce and doing lots of drugs and drinks. I mean, that movie they were filming was obviously a wild thing. Now, in Anglo-culture he isn't excused for his activities while drinking, but it sort of speaks to the "he's possibly changed" part of the story. I think we've all

If it was discreet then is it really a problem? Then again, if your aunt knew then it couldn't have been so discreet…unless….is your "aunt" the one jacking off?

For sure in this particular example. However, I do think there is a level of harassment that men do face in a largely female workspace that would be considered bad if it were reversed.

This is obviously just a way to fuck with blue states that don't support the administration. Plus, we need the feds to protect us when stoned people follow women and girls into bathrooms to offer them drugs. Am I conflating here? Modern Republican logic can be hard to keep track of sometimes.

What if it's your boss? Just saying, "fighting" isn't always the issue.

Just curious….base doff that logic, it seems you wouldn't believe women are assaulted very much in countries where there are social pressures dissuading women from reporting assault?

You can't blame people for hoping it's true.

Bigotry resides everywhere. Generalizing doesn't help anything. I live in one of the most "liberal" places in the country and have had plenty of experiences with bigotry.

Saudi Arabia is the largest buyer of women's lingerie in the world….Think of this video next time you see a burqua and it will all make sense to you.

To shame the women of their nation??

It's not ironic at all….I'm sure he believes that Iran should be more free. That's kind of a hard argument to make when the main "freedom" loving country just decides, meh, maybe Iran is on to something.

Well, you have to give the driver credit for picking the fight in the first place…

Seems like success for some people is is the product of about 30 seconds of their racist dad doing some 'work'.

On that note, someone should make a show about a group of rag-tag, economically disadvantaged 'terrorists' who kidnap a bunch of rich people and make them Battle Royal each other to death.

Haha. It makes you wonder if Sia actually ever watched Dance Moms.