
Do you think people would watch a prestige drama centered around poor, rural whites? I'm talking trailer park not farmland….I'm not being snarky, I think it would be good.

Generally economically conservative, generally don't support the federal government, don't support identity politics, generally a war hawk. Voting history since 1996: B. Clinton, McCain, abstained, McCain (begrudgingly with Palin), Obama, Kasich.

Wasn't Fury Road nominated?

It's why they're all diabetic.

Malaysia as well. India…..this author doesn't know what they are talking about or they just assume because they are from China that it is "unique".

Isn't the real question where is it going to go?

Sorry if he was saying we should have invaded Iraq. Didn't seem like that was the case.

I'm positive you're right. You know he only wants something called Trumpcare.

I think the truest thing he said was the whole, I love the uneducated. He wants the ratings and that's who gives it to him.

I'm not sure. The only thing they could do is elect a more competent person…not a more ideologically crazy person. Which would, technically, make him better than Trump, right?

Yeah. Totally wish Saddam was in power.

The US shouldn't have pulled out of Iraq until it was stable…as he said. The dubious point is that his administration had absolutely no plan to achieve stabilization.

I'm a moderate, never-Trump conservative. So, I'm happy to be your ally and friend. However, you seem too partisan and biased to maybe make that a reality.

Trump is a dramatic departure in regards to wielding Executive power, his approach towards the media, his divisiveness, and corruption. Reagan and Bush weren't, possibly, controlled by the Russians, for example.

One is traditional evil and one is either waaaaay less competent or Emperor level evil. We shall see.

Remember that Bush had a very liberal immigration policy (shot down by his own party) and at MANY times went out of his way to praise Islam- more than Obama probably.

I know I'm not the first person to highlight this, but I'd like everyone to read this article on malignant narcissism (written several months before the election and with no political subtext) and tell me that we aren't seeing this happen before our eyes….I'm certainly not a shrink, but I find it hard to convince

Ok. So you were born a woman who identifies as a woman? If not, then my point still stands.

Well, "Johnny", I'm not sure you or I are really able to question what a woman finds private or not….I'm sure there are plenty of women who do not want to share their restroom with cis-men.

haha. Good. I have no idea what you are talking about "projecting". Like I said, I made a pretty non-provocative comment and you've spent god knows how many posts trying to "argue" with it. I just know what I said and I have no idea why you think that comment is worth all the effort you put into it…especially since