
This all day everyday.

Ivanka has a lot of nerve supporting the empowerment of women on the anniversary of (non-black) women’s right to vote when she favors a party that wants to limit the control women have over their bodies, a party that has no interest in increasing the minimum wage, a party that is anti-welfare, a party that doesn’t

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

Denise was a goddamn saint. She took the next wives KIDS when she went into her tail spin to give them a stable environment.

Then my work here is done.

Legit clicked on that Robin Thicke link because I thought it said perm instead of sperm. Kinda disappointed he doesn’t have a perm.

Is there something inherent to this setting that elicits this particular phrasing?

If you crop the groom out of this photo, it looks like Hilary married Mariska Hargitay! 

The number one responsibility of a father is to embarrass their child as much as possible. Carry on, Alec.

Eh. This doesn’t really bother me. It’s pretty innocuous. If you’re putting your thirst traps out in the world for everyone to see, maybe sometimes you’ll get reminded that everyone can see them.

How about Madonna’s “tribute” to Aretha last night? (Dressed like the Illuminati Queen, no less.) I believe the tribute was titled “Me, Me, Me, Me!” I hope at the Madonna tribute at the VMA’s in 20 years, they trot out Flavor Flav.

Re: Knowing when you meet the one.
Well, I can’t say anything about Grande’s love at first sight moment, but I can say I had one when I first saw my one and only, Mr. UrbanAchiever. A mutual friend had a b&w image of Mr. UA, and showed it to me. And I swear, bells went off in my head. We met a couple of weeks later in

Kate McKinnon is my everything.

Happy Birthday to the leader of the Democrat Party, Maxine Waters!”

I got $ says Horatio Sanz plays him in the movie, David Spade plays Conway. 

I think the more salient question is: how does the Nutria TASTE? Once North Korea and/or Russia inevitably bombs the West Coast into oblivion under our current leadership, the survivors are gonna still need to eat something.

They are NOT cute fully grown. As an invasive species, they should be eradicated as humanely as possible. I hate the thought of slaughtering anything, but they will ruin the wetlands and cause the death of lots of other animals. I wonder if it would be at all feasible to kill them and very quickly freeze the carcasses

Objectively cute; also, should be murdered anywhere they are an invasive species.