
Truly, avoiding businesses owned by people of the wrong races is the way to fix racism. Enlightening stuff!

Ill just go support local business without knowing the makeup of the owner. Just easier.

How about making a business that is good and doesn’t need traffic solely based on skin color lol

done with this black matters shit, need to start CRIMINAL BLACK LIVES SPLATTERS!

Actually, yeah we do - in fact we need more of them. I know that the US has issues with discrimination, but articles like this don’t make the situation better - it makes it worse.

so you would be OK w/ a white site list? Yeah, didn’t think so. I believe in support the business that provides the best service - irregardless of the owners color!

Last year, I decided I wanted to do something about not really having any friends anymore.

I do this when trying to turn off breakers to an area of the house I can’t see when doing electrical work.. assuming I don’t trip the wifi..

I watched all the videos and I think they’re all really good, but it did bring two questions to my mind. Both are asked from a logical perspective. Not as a way to find a loop hole.

Your comment makes no sense. If I’m writing online, how am I laying passed out on the side of the road?

Don’t like the facts? Fuck you.

What about older women going after younger men? Same thing....oh, wait never mind - that’s a different standard.

Why assume that? SJW bullshit attacking a concept that inherently is very helpful. I get connections from folks all the time, young and old, male and female, asking for advice because of certain groups I’m in on LinkedIn. Pull your head out of your ass and stop pigeonholing people. And on top of that, you took

Damn, that’s a solid recipe right there.

I agree. Men were all babies once too. It’s another reason abortion should be illegal. Women who abort their babies were once babies too. Except I imagine the argument won’t get much traction on that issue.

First things first. that picture is NOT a 15 year old... maybe when he was 10.

Please do a story on the most oppressed folks, muslim women

I...I...I think I love you.