

I can't speak for every building here. But at least in the case of Providence, the building is very, very old. The interiors and electrical systems are a complete and total mess. The room and office sizes are small, and the building isn't really fit for modern use. They're talking about dividing the interior space and

Here; have a sprite.

The Toyota Camry.

My Great Great Great Grandfather was going through Med School during the 1860's. He was from a middle-class family in a small town in Massachusetts. Small place, everyone knows everyone. In any case, he was doing very well in school. But the time came to procure a subject for dissection. Back then, he didn't have much

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I live in Rhode Island. I can vouch for the validity of this article. I got my license last month, and I'm an 18 year old part time driver with an '02 Ford Focus SE. Yearly insurance, just for liability coverage on my portion of the policy, is $3600.

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So hard to make a choice... But "The Other Promise" from Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix is definitely among my top ten.

I guess the TARDIS is going to have a crack in her window until the end of time now.

At least God had the common sense to set fire to the Pintos.

Investigative journalism at its finest. A wonderful exposé indeed.

That was the restoration of the Back to the Future Part III "Hero Car", which is different entirely from the "Hero Car" used in Back to the Future Parts I and II. The Hero Car from the original 2 movies, which was very recently restored and put on display at a Universal Studios exhibit, has the original Volvo engine

Read over this response again, must issue an edit; *the decision was made to replace the stock sound of the PRV V6 engine with one from a Porsche 928.

If I did some digging, I could find the evidence to back it up, but there was no engine swap in Parts 2 and 3. In the first movie, the sound of the engine was modified through the use of custom cat and headers, to give the engine a more guttural growl. In the latter 2 films, the decision was made to replace the stock

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I have a soft spot for the Porsche 928. It's engine sound is low and guttural.