Earthworm Jim

So the NHTSA can approve something like this, but not most LED taillights that don’t meet size requirements? WTF? Who needs this when you have a ipad sized screen for this?

Aren't all brands going to have to respond to higher mileage requirements by doing things drastically different than in the past? That or using the technology they’ve had in a vault for thirty years that is capable of achieving higher mileage?

The bolsters on every car I have had wear like this. My 89 Tbird SC came from the factory with it worn out.

Godspeed doug, godspeed.

For Chevy Spark money you can own this doug demuro Aston- tavarish

thanks tom

Also, how would two car seats fit in the back?

any insight into accurate pricing on the new ridgeline? Also, what do you think of the transit connect. Family of four looking for new vehicle.

Is that you lockness monster?

Dunno, have to ask the Car Fox

I was thinking minecraft

Your killing me smalls

this person is the worst

I love it!

Anyone else notice the ass in that black dress...?

I will gladly remove a testicle for this thing.

Pittsburgh Harbor Freight tools? Really. Why waste the money on garbage?

mind blown for the day. fucking amazing shit

“I like em small ;)“