Jason Caffeine Free

Klay over LeBron?

But really, fuck Mayweather.

"Besides being wrong—Shah is of Indian descent—and messed up, Shah is the wrong guy to pick a fight with: he is very rich"

Despite the privacy settings under the About section, it seems that your date of birth is accessible to the public. How can these at least be limited to my friends?

I think you mean "If Barbaro didn't get 100%, then no one gets 100%."

I recommends yours so I could respond to your post with "+1."

Also, don't look at Michael Jordan's sad bitterness and lack of social skills.

Aw, son of a bitch.

Pat McMannaFromHeavenMan

Roll Damn Comment. +1

"The Ralph Wiggum Experience" also perfectly describes Dan Snyder's Redskins.

What's your opinion on Milk and Honey Original Café Mix cereal?

So Silent Night is the "Milk and Honey Original Café Mix" of Christmas songs?


This is largely a really good post.

laughing so hard i'm crying, +1

That period's a hot take, buddy.

When was the last time you updated that post?

"Meanwhile, Triple H and Vince McMahon are regularly befuddled by regular doors." - CM Punk

Yeah, this would be their ultimate chance.