Great pay + hobo stab insurance, I hope. That's not too bad of a commute, but those big towers in MC are a PITA when I fly to Galveston (VERY close to my PPL.)
Great pay + hobo stab insurance, I hope. That's not too bad of a commute, but those big towers in MC are a PITA when I fly to Galveston (VERY close to my PPL.)
Hope you don't have to sit in Galleria traffic... I work on the SE side (read, ghetto Telephone area) and live off of 290.
You in this hell-hole too?
So wrong, yet 100% truth. Hey, at least you can be in Kia commercials.
Houston idiot drivers. That about covers it.
Don't know if it's worth it. Mine came with the sensor and gauge, and is a PITA to hook up. Seems like it may be proprietary.
Didn't even know these were made... I'm surprised they are made.
Stephen F?
First thing I thought of, WTF is wrong with people.
Thank you, been thinking about checking out our local tracks for some time.
I have got to get a better Dish package. All I get to watch is Isle of Mann ever once in a while...
I have got to get a better Dish package. All I get to watch is Isle of Mann ever once in a while...
Hmmm, I prefer both. Underdog with a badass driver? I'll root for that guy over the money spenders, just because it's fun. Baseball has both sides, and we hate the Yankees (and Sox now, I suppose), so... have cake and eat it too?
Similar story, buddy from high schools kept getting hit, his pops got some heavy wall iron pipe, got it sand blasted, and painted it black. The next guy to run into it was the first non-family member to know it also got buried 4 ft deep and was surrounded and filled with concrete. No one hit it again (small town, so…
H/C, so very true.
Eh, as a Trailblazer owner, twice now, my first saw plenty of off-roading, as well as towing and did a pretty good job. I'm glad my second is also on the boxed, truck frame because I tow with it still, and once I lose my mind and spend real money, I hope it will do something like this. Know the guy, and it's on the…
H/C, dunno why it wasn't already.
I agree, but thinking it DEFINITELY crossed my mind a few times. Sorry about your arm. I'm not so sure about people caring about their cars as much as you believe though. There are people in Houston drive theirs into the ground, and/or lack the upkeep of someone who gives a damn. I also will never touch someone's car,…
You don't ride motorcycles and have your life threatened by idiots much, do you?