
Just like the eradicated diseases they always mention they'd rather have than certain cars.

Wow, John didn't have the yukky FM disc jockey shouting voice back in 1992.

We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke.

I am bleeding, making me the victor.

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I think they stopped caring when they whored it out to Puff Diddly 15 years ago

A diesel shooting brake in right hand drive

I've heard of the YF-12 prototype, but never, ever of this SR-22 you speak of. Not even in Ben Rich's book on succeeding Kelley Johnson at SkunkWorks. No Google hits, no Wiki hits. Tell me more about this SR-22.

What is an SR-22 blackbird? And the caption from TFC Toys itself says "SR-71".

Colonial Viper influence

Which reminds me of the blasphemy of the 3rd party masterpiece Aerialbots (TFC Toys Uranos)...

The U2s have been replaced — by satellites and drones.

Carries lots and lots of fuel. Thirsty afterburners. Goes really fast and stays in the air really long.

And in First Class it basically IS an SR-71 blown up to be jumbo jet sized

Whenever I see things like this, I want to know — what does each one feel, where does it begin and end for each? Who controls the legs? Do they both? Looks like they share the lower body, do they both eat separately and it goes out one pipe?

Oh so all those buildings in Metropolis were empty? I missed the evacuation.

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Superman always — well, until now — protected innocent civilians. Didn't he lead Zod to the moon in the Reeves movies to keep the fighting away from Metropolis?


Cap has mastered all forms of martial arts as well. Bats and Cap have a lot in common. In fact, my brother brought to my attention that over the years the writers on each side have given nods to the other, that Bats and Cap are counterparts in their respective universes. When one dies, the other dies.

They had special suits made just for fighting on ice.

I like pseudo-realism too (loved Nolan's Batman, and I hate campy hero movies) but Man of Steel was just a callous Superman who doesn't save anybody. How many millions of people died in Metropolis? Pa Kent wants Clark to let people die? Whaaaaaaaat?