
Ah yes, the horrible days of $1.89 gas and 5% unemployment... At least we aren't warmongering anymore and we have an open, transparent, scandal free administration and health insurance that's now as cheap as a phone bill.

So how would you represent mid-engined?

She forever stepped the line into do-gooder know-it-all in the movie. Basically a parody of herself, or this:

"And implementing this would benefit them how?" Making people believe they are in control when they are not; making them love their servitude; steering public opinion with manufactured trends.

How can Heath Ledger possibly top Jack Nicholson's Joker?

Here's the difference. Jew ghosts are a mystical religious/superstitious/supernatural force, a fantasy. Nukes are real.

Part of my problem, in-movie, is that right after surviving a nuculear explosion Indy gets into a fist fight — hard to equate those two levels of danger.

Hmm, there was just a thread on Crystal Skull on io9.

My brother pointed out to me that Indy didn't actually do anything in Raiders, either. He failed at every single task. The plot would be exactly the same if Indy didn't exist.

Magical Ouija board in Terminator?

So he's the Jar Jar of Crystal Skull?


What's wrong with Crystal Skull?

I know it sounds crazy, but keep an open mind and look into their backgrounds, just a little. I can't explain everything in a comment.

Reloaded WAS over 10 years ago.

Now playing

Or if you need to modernize your posts, just substitute the war drums for invading Syria, and insert Obummer/Hillary/Susan Rice, same story.

Interesting... But why does Leonidas have a Scottish accent? Braveheart?

I was expecting the Braveheart speech, and we pretty much got it.

Can't help thinking Deltron 3030 would do a great take on it

Somehow I don't think the NSA cares about FCC radio power regulations... or any regulations... or the constitution.