
Had to look up article 11 (since the bill of rights only had 10 amendments). You would be speaking of the European Convention on Human Rights, not the US Constitution. I guess you're right, I didn't know the European Convention on Human Rights was part of my constitution.

If the employees disagree they are free to quit and find another job. They are not slaves.

Since "right to organize" is a communist principle and so is collective bargaining, please tell me where the constitution says that...

We needed unions in 1920. Not now. Unions only seek power for themselves, and are a parasitic drain on the contract between an employer and and employee. That's right, "workers" (communist term) are not slaves and are free to quit to find a better job.

And that porn-stache... It's like Hulk Hogan and a chihuahua got together...

I'm wondering if there were any Peyton Manning edition trucks sold in Indy, and how one would feel driving around in one of those today...

God doesn't like imperfection, yet he made that imperfection...

Not to mention punishing the entire human race for the sins of Adam and Eve.

bad ass that everyone was scared of, then they became friendly

What about the T-Rex soft tissue they recovered recently?

No, now we're scared of "terrorists" nuking us.

We've got Detroit falling to pieces and being contracted/bulldozed. We've got private prisons and private military (Blackwater, et al). People still buy bloated POS cars but they're Suburbans and X5s instead of malaise-era American luxo-barges. We've got mindless idiotic TV nobody could have even imagined in the

Very inconvenient place to lay one's hand

I was expecting you to put a hoffmeister kink in the front.

Let's recap where Ze Germans have gone.

Great, a wrong-wheel-drive fake SUV. I'm so excited.

So I guess they'll be adding another 15 feet for the sequel trilogy?

So you're endangering lives and breaking the rules of traffic by weaving in and out in between cars on your bike, but this guy belongs on a track...

Cameo by Peter Weller?