Hopefully this will destroy his chances of re-election too.
Hopefully this will destroy his chances of re-election too.
My thoughts exactly, and it’s one of the most prevalent reasons we’re in this horrific mess right now. Journalists have become less interested in the truth than they are in fucking clicks and ratings. Shame on every last one of them.
The fact that we’re applauding teenagers for asking hard questions goes to show that the adult journalists have not been asking hard questions for years.
It’s not really belittling Trump to simply note that either he’s holding a really giant piece of paper *or* he has very small hands.
Odd thing, having your IQ embroidered on your cuffs.
‘45' on his cuff; helps him remember he’s the 45th President.
Hey, you shut up that 7 year talk!
Good, stupid asshole racist troll. I’d also like to take this time to tell Carol Christ, Chancellor at Berkeley, FUCK YOU for allowing him on campus last year until we protested and it was cancelled.
That was a great line. I also liked this one:
It’s not policing of freedom of speech. Twitter is a private platform, with terms of service everyone agrees to when they sign up. Violating those terms of service allows them to suspend or delete the account.
Thoughts and prayers
“It’s like we’re in a third world country.”
Your article’s tone seems a bit over the top.
hahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahha you are an idiot hahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaha
It’s time to start classifying the NRA as a domestic terrorist organisation that is pivotal in aiding, abetting and radicalising the huge numbers of perpetrators of gun violence in the USA. They are a far right extremist organisation who’s actions have contributed to the deaths of countless Americans
Sally Field is a national treasure.
While I understand this is awkward and unpleasant, it could be so much worse. It seems as though she has decided to withdraw from most interactions and is actually making herself scarce while not getting in your way. Some roommates are too present and take up too much space. I wonder, though, if you’ve ever tried…
I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but why aren’t you cutting off contact immediately? Or why isn’t he? If he’s already in this committed monogamous relationship I’m not sure the start of a marriage is the right time to end things. I think continuing to talk with him and setting a future end date is only holding you…
Oh girl, I am sorry. :( That is BAD BOYFRIENDING. I mean it would be fine if he had A Thing against Valentine’s Day (like whatever, but okay) and used his words, like a grown-up, to say something to that effect in advance? But to 1) pretend like he didn’t think you’d have any kind of expectation that the day even be…