
Care areas are usually all the hospital rooms, really. Particularly in the ER, the whole ER is a patient care area.

So glad to know that I’m not the only one to think this

when they announced his name, i spent 2 whole days beign unable to fully concentrate because i kept writing bohemian rhapsody parody lyrics in my head. never fully coalesced in a full parody but some good limes were “scaramucci, scaramucci, can you do the trumps scandal” and “nothing really matters, anyone can see,

If you can’t be bothered to pop by the NICU when your premature baby arrives maybe don’t be at a rally with thousands of other little boys? I’d move on and tell MY son his dad was a sperm donor.

Nah. Three dudes, one assumes they were in possession of testicles, armed with a gun, tried to attack her.

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good woman with a stick.

Brilliant idea, especially under such duress! I’m glad she didn’t suffer more serious injuries by jumping from the car at 35 mph.

I’ve seen phone data hookups on equipment in our local Y, and other devices like fitbits can interface with phones by Bluetooth. It should be possible for Netflix and other streaming services to add an exercise-inducement mode to their apps that lets you pair with fitness apps (like Gooogle Fit and others) and set

Welllll. Sounds like a terrific restaurant to AVOID. Anyone who lets their slimy feral kids run amok in a food establishment deserves whatever savagings they get.

“She said, are you a Christian, child? I said Ma’am, I am tonight.”

Two Vegan Sistas (another Memphis restaurant) is now advertising with the slogan “proudly black owned and butthole free.” I think I love them :-D

Okay, I very much enjoyed this article and all the ensuing responses, including the liberal use of the word “butthole.” But I felt no need to chime in until I went to their website to confirm they look like crunchy nudist yodelers, and saw this:

cats are frequently nude and they DO love to show everyone their buttholes. I think you might be onto something.

Are we sure this isn’t in Scottsdale?

Dirty butthole revealing baby is in Memphis? I thought he was in Poland.

Could Amy’s baking company have turned into a vegan restaurant? Her children are cats, which would explain a lot.

Maybe to you, but you don’t seem to have a strong grasp on what the Constitution is. For example, this article is not about the Constitution. It’s about the Declaration of Independence.

You would be unable to convince me I wasn’t in an alternative universe.

John McCain would like a word.

Remember when we had 9 Supreme Court justices? Good times, taken for granted.