
Paper burns easily. That’s why we’ve probably lost 90% of written history.

The hilarious thing is, we did have hybrid vehicles in 1993!

We live in unreasonable times with unreasonable people in control of far too many governments.

Four of my coworkers voted and support Trump. I just stared at them when I heard it.

Why are people always picking on vegans? Let ‘em live, what they eat doesn’t affect you.

It’s the women’s entertainment ghetto in action. Once something is consigned there, it’s easily erased.

There are nations which have more in common culturally than those two areas.

Nope. This is meant to sell to people in their 30s and 40s who are trying to keep up with fashion. Very few people my age can afford this.

It’s hideous. That’s all you need know.

Sometimes, that’s the only way a culture can survive on any level even in memory. There are plenty of cultures which were not appropriated from and no one remembers them.

Why the FUCK is there even a special like this about this gross person and his family?

And I just realized that, today, I’m angry about Trump and looking for a fight.

Once again, we’re going into the “needs a helmet to even get close” territory, just due to the facial features. After all, prosthetics cannot match his nose unless the actor has no nose at all. And a helmet would be even worse than we have right now.

And the 2017 award for “Not reading past the first line” goes to...

Eh, some of Obama’s nominations had to deal with worse from the Republicans. I’m willing to bet he’s not concerned.

He’s probably thinking this is the restart of a very old nightmare. One that’s been continuing for five hundred years.

Yes to both. Congress is dominated by the Republicans, who also hate the media. And the American public’s opinion of the media ranges from “untrustworthy liars” to “I’d rather have a pedophile around” depending on the poll.

Not entirely scandal-free. Ignoring the birth certificate issue, there’s still the epic fail the ACA is turning into and the massive clusterfuck that was the healthy school lunch program.

Yeah, we went a long way in 26 years. Though, increasingly, my money is on that getting rolled back.