
The wisdom in what? Parenting?

There are other possible sentiments, ones that you probably would find inconvenient.

No. It’s like noting at the time of the robbery the victim had posted signs with directions to her house, left her doors open, and then dumped the contents of her purse and jewelry chest on the welcome mat.

It’s obvious you are a racist.

Totally. They just shot him. In the back. In his bed. Which is at the seminary where he was studying to be Jesus.

Okay, but that doesn’t fit my narrative that cops are racist murderers.

But he was a child. He practically had an umbilical chord.

He was probably about to go to church and then volunteer at a soup kitchen.

17 eh?? So an 18 yo having sex with her 17 year old boyfriend is raping a child? Despite consent laws and common sense. She’s fucking a child, right?

Weird. Where I’m from, children listen to cops and don’t point guns at them.

Oh Christ. What are you thinking making such a logical statement in Jezebel??

I blame republicans.

Yes. The toy maker is to blame, not the person brazen enough to ignore direct commands from police officers with real guns.

Well, abusive language and treatment isn’t appropriate, but criticism and shame are due if the car and home was provided by the parents.

Simple. Shame plays an integral role in maintaining social mores.

The answer is obvious. The accusers don’t believe they were raped.

Yeah. They lost a daughter.

Makes sense, at a private university. However, such adjudication of violent crime apparently didn’t serve justice in this case. The accuser found no remedy and the accused remained enrolled. So, the reward for avoiding the legal system was not even a paltry expulsion, let alone the proper conviction and sentencing for

You’ve diluted any meaning from the term. Everyone rolls their eyes at you

What isn’t racist to you? I’m sure you consider yourself racist