
I see pixels, not a face.

It’s called 9-1-1. Let’s just teach young women in college orientation classes that you dial 9-1-1 when a violent crime has been committed.

No, insane person.

The college wasn’t raped. What’s their interest in involving legitimate law enforcement?

Glad to hear she drove into a tree and not an innocent person.

“Not that her looks matter”

We shouldn’t shame anyone. We should run society like a Jezebel comment thread and blame the cops for bad parenting.

You know what doesn’t make sense?

No, you can’t. We’re not children. Go play in your safe space until you can handle reality.

You don’t know why women being raped aren’t calling 911 and filing police reports?

Simple: Evidnece and perjury.

You bet? Is that the picture you painted?

Cops help those who help themselves.

They can’t help it. They can’t help but not have sympathy.

Sure they do. In fact, they deserve to live more than poor children with peanut allergies.

It’s only weird if you believe personal responsibility is negligible.

Terrific. Guess who cares about Las about that kid than the cops?

You’re right. They shouldn’t be shamed. They didn’t do anything wrong.

That literally applies to 99.9999% of reproducing adult humans in the world.