
Power for the electric motors is stored in a 7 kw/h lithium-ion battery that can be fully charged in four hours on a German 230-volt outlet. In total, it weighs about 3,600 pounds.

Great deal. I just voted crack pipe because crack is probably the preferred currency for the transaction.

Looks more like understeer than oversteer.

Zonda editions usually at least have some special performance enhancements. The Veyrons are just exterior/interior color packages.

I hope to one day be able to drive a rally car one-handed while barely conscious. That driver is my hero.

Gold isn't necessarily as good a heat reflector as other materials, but the fact that it doesn't oxidize makes it work much better over the long term.

Apparently they will be frequent enough for him to do the trip.

When you have kids, there's about zero chance of using a full tank of gas between stops anyway, so having to stop more often for recharging isn't really much of a big deal.

The problem is that it sounds like a lot of replacement parts for early Vipers are only available through VPA, which is controlled by the club.

There aren't any good ones left now.

A lot of the cost of supercars these days is carbon fiber, the ZR1 is no exception. Taking out weight is the most expensive thing you can do to a car. The ZR1 is still an excellent performance value, it just competes in a different bracket than the base Corvette.

You could just directly connect the drive shafts and treat it like a single engine. Optimal tuning would be damn near impossible, but it would work okay without a tune.

Hmm. In Real Racing 3 I always cut the first corner so that I can stay on the track for the 2nd corner. I think I get a better exit speed that way, but I'll have to try this.

Hydrogen has similar benefits to electric. Hydrogen can be produced anywhere that has a source of electricity and water. As electricity is produced more cleanly and efficiently, hydrogen production automatically receives those benefits.

I think this is a difficult thing to measure. Worst drivers lists that use accident data are obviously skewed against areas with heavy traffic. Lots of cars in a small space means accidents. I will not try to defend the courtesy of DC drivers (it doesn't exist) but I don't agree they're the worst, I think they might

Wow, don't come to DC. That's a courteous lane change around here.

Even an engine rebuild reuses the original block, so I still consider it the same engine. Mileage count is generally attached to the car's frame, if you keep that the mileage doesn't reset.

Its just for a promotional shoot. The car probably never goes above 50mph otherwise it would be too hard to film. They will be reinstalled after filming.

My guess is that the LED flicker would mess up the filming, so they will just CG them in later.