Jamie White

Comments like this are mostly why I stick around these days.

Oh I’m not saying it wasn’t worth the money at all. I’m not that kind of person. In fact, I’d even suggest that it probably cost more than they raised in the end, that’s usually the case with these things. Again, it’s actually one of the best ways I can think of to fund DLC, besides a season pass which is more just

Where were you before when I needed you?! 😅

If you’ve seen the comments on these types of articles, then you’d know that they’re asking for admonishment if they don’t mention it. Same with some other topics. Previously I’ve discussed/questioned the need to call out Lovecraft’s racism in every single article mentioning him (because I was sick of seeing people

I’d argue that xenophobia when it comes to the CCP and Chinese government in general, is more of a safe default state. Being as they’re trying pretty hard to bring back Auschwitz and colonialism. But some struggle to draw a line between a people and their dictatorship... I mean... government. There’s little we can do

The CCP don’t even have to try anymore, our corporations are so eager to please that we’re doing it for them. Insane.

In the authors defense, it did seem shoehorned in at the end explicitly to prevent people wasting their time commenting with that exact same statement.

Welcome to Reddit. Enjoy your stay.

It is a form of paywall, but it’s probably the fairest kind (it really is your choice). It’s not the usual definition of one though. Nowadays, this is on the better side of monetisation but it still isn’t a great way to go about things. Maybe just set the goal higher in the first place and don’t carve out content to

Yeah, that was what I was referring to. It seemed a little shitty at the time, I remember the article and some people were a little peeved. Obviously it pales in comparison to the stuff going on daily in the games industry, but I wasn't a fan of that move.

I have wondered exactly this before. I suspect the same as you’ve surmised though.

Ah, you’re that type of person. Figures... 😏

There is absolutely nothing intelligent about his comment. Firstly, it’s like someone saying “games are just for kids”. Secondly, the guy with an anime character for his avatar says this...? If that isn’t a troll, then I don’t know what is.

It is a scummy practice in my opinion, whether you like that idea or not. Locking content behind a paywall is never a good thing, whether you do it for good reasons or not. Even if you make amends later on, it’s still not a classy thing to do in my eyes. But I didn’t base my opinions of them solely on that. I was just

I feel like, at this point, Kotaku’s final words (maybe even their legacy, if the best of it continues on elsewhere mostly uninterrupted) will be:

Equally, they could write a whole article on how shitty you are at flirting with having an actual point online. But that would neither be important, nor interesting.

I was actually reserving my snark solely for the original commenter, as I hoped you were being just as sarcastic as I was. Clearly I overestimated you.

I remember reading about characters, or “DLC”, being locked behind certain tiers of their Indiegogo campaign. At the time, I thought that was a scummy thing to do. Nevertheless, people still funded it and then some. People still bought it and funded a second one. However, it never really redeemed itself in my eyes. So

It’s also lovely to see games once again reduced to “interactive dog shit cartoons”. Because we all know, if the art is “shit”, so must be the lead developer! These are sound assumptions from an advanced intellect.

I really don’t know how that’s your main takeaway here, that’s what you came away from this article with.